Friday, May 7, 2010

2 Couple Date !!

today,, I was really happy.. 'cause,, its my first time to have a date on school.. but,, I was not alone with Theo,, but there was Lovi and Anto.. actually,, they was hasn't in a relationship,, but.. after this test,, Anto said,, he will confess his feeling to Lovi.. uwwh >3< just like a comic story !!

our first destination,, is Music Room..
I practice violin right there,, and Anto and I was duet between Violin and Guitar.. haha ~^o^~ cool right ?? hihihi ^___^V and then Anto and Lovi starting to leave me and Theo,, just two of us inside of the music room.. I don't know why,, but,, I feel,, i usually like that.. why I must scary or shame,, he's my boyfriend right ?? ^__^ and the worst part,, it was when,, Anto call pak Markus and make he come to look inside the music room Anto was said it loud "pak !! sini pak !! parah pak !! ada yang lagi berduaan di gelap-gelap pak !!" Anto was turn off the light,, but I still can see all of the room,, there is many window,, so it was help me.. but,, when pak Markus know,, I was so histerical.. I was scared,, if my mother and father know.. actually,, I was already have a boyfriend >__<

and then,, move to our second destination..
is,, the park.. beside the basketball field..
this time,, Anto and Lovi was trying to make Theo was sit beside me.. because,, on the first position,, he seat so far from me.. and Anto was push him to make Theo sit close to me.. =3="a are he wasn't has another job then make me and Theo shame in front of our friends.. 0_o"a
continue it to the sixth destination,,
 it was when I was on the stairdown to go to the hall.. and when I was hold Theo's lunch bag,, Cika was take Theo's bag.. (hahaha ^^"a sorry CIka !!) Theo was running to take his lunch bag.. so I give his lunch bag right ?? but !! Cika,, Anto,, and Lovi was said this loud "ciee..woow.." and not too lame,, "boleh nggak kita mau ngomong sesuatu ?? PRIKITIEEW !!" actually I really don't like this part.. huff.. and then he was go home..

and me,, Cika,, Lovi and Anto was wait until 3.00 p.m. and one by one of us was go home,, and,, just like Spongebob says,, . I . T . S . T . H . E . B . E . S . T . D . A . Y . E . V . E . R . ! ! !

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Pandora Hearts Music Box -- Lacie