Saturday, June 25, 2011

my new camera :D

hai guys, today i want to tell you about something that my father and i go to bought, i bought my new camera almost a week ago. My father has a promise to buy a SLR camera for me, and he did it! yeay! for now, i still learn to use it, and i'm happy, finally i can save what i see, and i can remember it when i almost or already forgot about it :) that why i call a camera is help my memory :D and this is it :)

on the next post, i will posting about my photograph result :)

Thursday, June 16, 2011


hallo semuanya,, postingan kali ini, gua mau memperkenalkan kedua anak anjing gua yang baru 1 bulan, ini dia...

yang sebelah kiri namanya Lotta, dan yang sebelah kanan namanya Carlo, ini foto mereka berdua pas lagi tidur :)

ini waktu Carlo lagi tidur, kupingnya digigitin sama Lotta

tapi, yang mau gua perkenalin lebih dalem itu Lotta, soalnya dia favorit gua.

ini dia foto-foto Lotta waktu lagi tidur

ini dia, Lotta...

jadi sebenarnya, kedua kaki belakang Lotta itu lumpuh, bisa dipake jalan, tapi gak bertahan sampe satu menit kurang lebih, dan malah bisa split!!! jadi kalo dia mau duduk, malah merosot ke belakang, karena gak ada yang nopang berat badan bagian belakangnya. karena kasian, jadi gua berniat buat cari alat buat anak anjing gua ini... bagi followers atau bahkan yang cuma iseng-iseng mampir blog, kalo punya info, tolong dibagi ya. informasi sekecil apapun dari kalian buat gua itu berharga, karena gua kasian sama anak anjing gua yang satu ini, soalnya kakaknya normal, cuma dia doang yang kalo jalan badan belakangnya keseret, jadi kayak suster ngesot, wkwkwk...

ini aja postingan kali ini thanks ;)

*bagi yang punya info, tolong comment di postingan ini, thanks*

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Somewhere Only We Know - GLEE Cast

I walked across an empty land
I knew the pathway like the back of my hand
I felt the earth beneath my feet
Sat by the river and it made me complete
Oh simple thing where have you gone?
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin

I came across a fallen tree
I felt the branches of it looking at me
Is this the place we used to love?
Is this the place that I've been dreaming of?

Oh simple thing where have you gone?
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin

And if you have a minute why don't we go
Talk about it somewhere only we know?
This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go
Somewhere only we know?
Somewhere only we know?

And if you have a minute why don't we go
Talk about it somewhere only we know?
This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go
So why don't we go

And if you have a minute why don't we go
Talk about it somewhere only we know?
This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go
Somewhere only we know,
Somewhere only we know,
Somewhere only we know.

Saya Telah LULUS!!! (Indoneisan)

pagi ini, gua cuma mau menyatakan sesuatu, GUA LULUS!!! dan gua mulai jadi anak SMA, byebye junior high school and welcome senior high school wohoo!!! jadi anak SMA berarti juga banyak buat gua, gua mulai agak dibebasin, ada mobil, and mulai boleh lah pacaran, jadi gak harus ngumpet-ngumpet mulu kalo ama Theo wkwkwk~ aaah... udahlah, ini aja postingan gua di pagi hari ini... thanks!!!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

ทุ้มอยู่ในใจ (re: Thûm nı cı) - อ๊อฟ BigAss - OST. Suckseed

ยิ่งเวลาอ้างว้างทีไร ในใจก็ยิ่งโหยหา
ยังคงมีบทเพลง ของเราเมื่อวันวาน
ได้ยินเมื่อไร หัวใจยังเป็นอย่างนี้
กระเจิดกระเจิง ผิดๆเพี้ยนๆกันไปใหญ่

This is the melody of the past between us.Remember the old days when it heard.How long.But this song .... we are deep in my heart.Songs of love how you sing.Lonely day.She will think of one song.Since the same.How are you today ...... I want to know.When the clock has never been lazy.It is the walk and everything changed.But good memories ... everything is still stored.But she still has.The same never change.But she still has.The same never change.How lonely one more time. I'm more in the longStill lay Our yesterday.Heard when Heart to be like this.That time will disappear for a year.But this song still deep in my heart.It's not a dream at the very heart.Stray Distorted to the same wrong bigJust a little.I'm still happy ....... have you ever.We did not find to a year is not met.This track is also deep in my heart.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

graduation is coming guys!!! (Indonesian)

YEAY!!! Graduation is right in front of my way, dan besoknya pengumuman uan!!! semoga gua lulus dengan nilai yang memuaskan, amin!!! tapi besok graduationnya, aduuh dag-dig-dug serr banget rasanya, seneng bakalan graduation, tapi takut liat hasil pengumumannya, takut nanti ternyata malah hasilnya gak memuaskan ortu, kalo soal lulus siiih~ optimis lulus dong!!! tapi hasilnyaaa!!! aaah!!! i'm gonna be mad because of this!!!

jadi, besok pagi, gua bakalan maskeran seharian lagi, terus sorenya, apus masker, trus ke salon, creambath & cepol rambut, padahal rencananya mau gerai rambut, tapi takut kepanasan & ditegur -__-'' males bet berurusan lagi sama guru...

hmmm,, udah deh, ini aja postingan kali ini, pendek banget yaa,, hahaha...

salut d'amour,

Ezmeralda Pawan

Pandora Hearts Music Box -- Lacie