Monday, October 11, 2010


hello guys, i want to tell you about a real friendship. i learn it from my group ^^ it names MENARA, that was a little name, it means Megu-chan, Erika-chan, Nagi-chan, Aulia-chan, Riku-senpai, & Ang-chan... and, i was known as Nagi-chan... we never seeing each other, except for Aulia-chan & Erika-chan i already have a webcaming with two of them. but we never hear each other voice... and STOP !!! actually, i want to share other thing... about an event that me and Megu-chan make to a competition to edit anime picture, and all member of MENARA must join to this competition, and i want to share the picture that i edited and upload for the competition... and this is it~

The Story is Begin, When We Meet
that was the title for this picture... yes, the picture for competition must have title, theme, and reason why they edit this picture. and i choose this title for the picture... isn't bad huh ? or really bad ? the theme is, wedding season, and the reason why i make this edited picture because... all of us is love anime, and we have our favorite character, Megu-chan really like Kakashi, Erika-chan was in love with Len Tsukimori, Me is liking Len Kagamine, Aulia-chan liking Hihara, Riku-senpai liking Daisuke Niwa, and Ang-chan liking Ciel... ^3^  and, all of them is like my picture... i think, i almost win the competition, my best rival is Megu-chan, she has a best edited picture after me... =3="a but, the best, is the winner~

FYI : if you want to edit picture like this, i use Photoscape application, try it, i think its more simple than Photoshop

salut d'amour,
Ezmeralda Pawan


  1. nagichaaann!! *hug*
    editan nagichan bagus sih~ :)
    pantas jadi pemenang, dibanding saya :D


Pandora Hearts Music Box -- Lacie